Mr. Kaustubh Gaur is an educationist and is an Assistant Professor in Delhi University. He specializes in subject of History. He has a vivid experience of over 3 years now in guiding UPSC aspirants. He is currently pursuing his PhD in History.
Class Description
Topic: Mauryan Art and architecture
Overview: Mauryan Art--> Popular art vs Court art, Court art-->Pillars, More motifs from
Buddhist art, Sarnath Architecture, Stupas--> Structure, Sanchi stupa, Development of
Sanchi stupa, Bharhut stupa, Popular art (Mauryan period) --> Cave architecture,
Chaityas vs Viharas, Rock-cut caves--> Satparni cave, Barabar cave, Karn Chaupar
cave. Vishwakarma cave, Sudama cave, Lomus rishi cave.