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All India Open Test for Prelims 2025  | Starts on 1st Mar. 2025 | Register Now! Current Affairs classes for Prelims 2025 | Starts on 15th Feb. 2025 | Enroll Now! SFG 2025 Level-2 | Entrance Test - 16 Feb. 2025 | Program Starts 1st week of March 2025 | MGP 2026 | Cohort - 2 | Hindi Medium | Starts on 25th Feb. 2025 | Enroll Now! Essay Guidance Program 2025 | Batch-2 | Starts on 15th Feb. | Enroll Now!


What Our Students Say

Ananya Reddy AIR 3 CSE 2023

The Current affairs Program at ForumIAS extremely helpful for me in streamlining my current affairs preparation. Current affairs were one area which I found challenging to cover. However, ForumIAS program had important topics covered along with background information of the issue which holistic understanding of an issue Forum Current Affairs PDFs were also a saviour in accessing value addition material. Along with the above, I have written free mock mains simulation tests at ForumIAS. These proved to be Helpful too, Thank You ForumIAS community for your efforts.


I, Ruhani, Rank-5 in CSE-2023, have been writing Forum’s test series for the last 3 years. Forum’s test series program has a high predictive power and some question form it, have been actually asked in the UPSC Mains Exam, especially from GS-3. I am grateful to Rohini ma’am and Ayush Sinha Sir for guiding me for both mains as well as interview. Personal mentorship and professional evaluation of test copes by Forum, has helped me to write good answers in Mains.


I was a student of ForumIAS MGP 2023(and 2024) and prelims simulator. I also joined Forum Current affairs classes after prelims. I am thankful for all the quality content and support provided by ForumIAS.

Shaurya Arora AIR 14 CSE 2023

My name is Shaurya Arora, and I was a student of MGP+ test series,2023. It gives me immense pleasure in informing you that I have secured AIR-14 in the UPSC Civil Services Exam,2023. The MGP+ test series helped me practice answer writing, improve my content, and also learn how to face difficult and dynamic questions.

Ayan Jain AIR 16 CSE 2023

I want to thank the entire ForumIAS team for being an immense help in my success in UPSC CSE 2022 & 23. I have been a part of MGP in 20221(which helped me identify structural improvements), SFG multiple times, AWFG, and interview guidance twice. I also regularly followed free initiatives like 7 PM editorial for interview prep.

Swati Sharma AIR 17 CSE 2023

Forum IAS has been very helpful in my preparation. I had enrolled myself in the PTS & MTS Program. The current affairs classes were very helpful in giving direction to my interview preparation. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the whole team of ForumIAS.

Arjun Gupta AIR 32 CSE 2023

I have been part of ForumIAS MGP test series as well as IGP. Both the programs have been instrumental in Streamlining my preparation for the CSE. I found the MGP questions to be very close to the CSE pattern. Moreover, the rich content in the answers as well as my solution videos helped answer structure and value addition me in improving through examples. One to One session with Ayush sir gave me good insights to work up on my weaknesses for the personality test. I am grateful to Ayush Sir and Forum IAS team for helping me in the journey. Thank You!

Zufishan Haque AIR 34 CSE 2023

I was enrolled in the MGP+ test series 2023. The tests were as per the syllabus and quite similar to the nature of UPSC mains CSE. The Questions also took into account the current affairs and thus were a good mix of static and dynamic portion. The evaluation was timely and detailed which helped me considerably in improving my answer writing performance. My sincere thanks to the entire team. Thank you

Chandana Jahnavi AIR 50 2023

I have a long association with Forum IAS Spanning over 3 attempts In CSE 2020: I was a free subscriber to blog where posts by @Neyawn and @sunshine. @patriotsaint provided the needed motivation to keep going. For CSE 2022, I subscribed to MGP Cohort 5 for Essay & GS, Prelims simulators and IGP for interview. Ayush Sir was very Kind to meet me when I went back after my AIR 313 for guidance, on rank improvement. He told me to consider taking Ethics+ Course on seeing my Essay marks of 85. Based on my time constraints in training, I went ahead to subscribe to ETHICS+, CURRENT AFFAIRS Course (Starting June 2023), SOCIOLOGY ATS+ test series and MGP full length bests which I wrote from Hyderabad Centre. I thank Ayush Sir and Forum IAS for the same.

Sakshi Jumuar AIR 89 CSE 2023

I’ve secured AIR - 89 in UPSC CSE 2023.I ‘m incredibly indebted to the ForumIAS team for my success, especially their MGP+ program. The Quality of questions asked, model answers and evaluation quality in top-notch. Question asked therein have actually been replicated in UPSC Mains Paper. I have that others get guided in the same manner. All the Best!

Apurv Anand AIR 163 CSE 2023

I have secured AIR 163 in the UPSC CSE 2023. I was a part of the MGP program of ForumIAS. I found the support from the mentors to be very helpful in my preparation. I want to mention Sakshi ma’am and Nitin sir for their guidance. Overall, I want to thank ForumIAS ‘s entire team.


My name is Shivansh Singh and I have secured AIR 164 in UPSC CSE 2023. This was my 1st attempt at CSE. I am really grateful to the detailed DAF analysis session with Rohini mam which helped me to thoroughly prepare my DAF. The current affairs classes also helped me to better understand the current events from the perspective of personality test. I would like to thank ForumIAS for their constant support throughout my interview journey.

Harmit Singh Sudan AIR - 177 CSE 2023
Harmit Singh Sudan AIR - 177 CSE 2023

I would like to thank ForumIAS team for their constant support. I was part of MGP 2022, 2023 and Interview guidance program. If it wasn’t for their mains tests, I would not have made it. keep up the good work!


I was a part of MGP at ForumIAS. Continuous feedback and guidance from the evaluators helped me improve my writing skill and made a significant impact on my score. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the evaluator and the entire ForumIAS family for helping me in this journey. I wish all the future aspirant’s good luck for their journey.


I MOHIT GUPTA was part of Forum's MGP Program, PTS Simulators & IGP. Additionally, CA classes before the interview were game changers as I used the inputs in the actual interview. MGP Questions were useful to cover Entire GS syllabus in depth. I again extend my heartfelt gratitude to the ForumIAS team for helping to sail through the journey.

Aradhana Chauhan AIR 251 CSE-2023

Hello everyone, I am Aradhana Chauhan, AIR-251 in UPSC CSE 2023.I am grateful to ForumIAS for their support throughout my UPSC preparation. I was a part of Mains Test Series (MGP) at ForumIAS and Sociology test series, which helped me improve my mains answer writing. Also, Rohini Ma'am for her kind support always. I was also part of Forum Interview Guidance program. I am immensely grateful.

Rishabh Jain AIR 377 CSE 2023

I am Rishabh Jain, AIR 377 in UPSC CSE 2023.Forum IAS’s MGP Program has immensely helped me to enhance my CSE’s main preparation. I am also helpful to Ankita Mam for providing constant support and encouragement regarding copy evaluation. The model answers have always been a great source for value addition.

Mohammad Aftab Alam AIR 512 CSE 2023

I have secured Rank 512 in UPSC CSE 2023 in my second attempt. ForumIAS has been an integral part of my UPSC CSE preparation journey. I was enrolled in MGP of ForumIAS in both of my attempts. I was part of Ethics+ classes and current affairs classes. Additionally, I am thankful to Ayush Sir for one to one session for interviews & Ethics+ classes.

Sagar Kaushik AIR 547 CSE 2023

I Sagar Kaushik has been part of ForumIAS since November 2022.I was enrolled in MGP+ (cohort 8) and SFG courses of ForumIAS. The main highlight of these courses which helped in quality of question, support from mentors (Aman Sir & Navya Mam), who helped me in having a clear approach and better answer writing. Thanks a lot Aman Sir, Ayush Sir, Navya Mam and whole ForumIAS’ family.


Hello, I enrolled myself in the main guidance program of 2023 and the current affairs program of 2023. I am eternally grateful for the guidance that ForumIAS has provided in my journey. In particular I would like to thank Rohini Ma'am for mains mentorship and current affair faculty for bringing about a paradigm change in my thought process in answer writing.


From having prelims phobia, to Clearing it in 2023 (So far tougher), ForumIAS has been instrumental in my journey. The CA classes at every Stage helped me immensely. SFG, MGP and even the IGP enabled me to secure a mark this year. I again extend my gratitude to Ayush sir and also Sakshi Ma'am for their mentorship. Your inputs helped me score 190 in the interview. Thank you so much.

Ishita Kishore AIR - 1st, CSE-2022

Thank you ForumIAS for your support in mains tests. Thanks Ayush sir for personal guidance also.

Garima Lohia AIR - 2nd, CSE-2022

I was a part of MGP at ForumIAS. Apart from this I also took Current Affairs classes for Mains preparation. The top notch quality of the content and the versatile perspective I got from the classes really boosted my score in GS. One on one interaction with Ayush sir during my interview preparation helped me. I am really grateful to ForumIAS, especially Ayush sir for their valuable inputs.

Uma Harathi N AIR - 3rd, CSE-2022

My Name is Uma Harathi. I’ve secured AIR-3 in UPSC CSE 2022. I was enrolled in the MGP Program for general studies and Anthropology. The analytical nature of questions helped me prepare well for the actual exam. The ranking system helped me track my progress constantly. I’m grateful for the support.

Smriti Mishra AIR - 4th, CSE-2022

I enrolled myself in multiple courses at ForumIAS- SFG, AWFG, MGP, Current Affairs classes and Ethics+ classes. The quality of content, the consistency of classes and availability of mentorship right when I needed it. It helped me throughout my preparation journey. A special thanks to Ayush sir for the efforts and constant support, even though I was practically invisible.

Avinash Kumar AIR - 17th , CSE-2022

Dear ForumIAS, I was enrolled in SFG, MGP+ and Current Affairs at ForumIAS. SFG Program helped me with identifying my weak areas and then work upon it. It also instilled a sense of discipline in me. MGP+ helped me in identifying the parts and supports of the question and address them properly. Current Affairs classes formed the backbone of my GS Papers. All in all, I am thankful to ForumIAS for this.

Gauri Prabhat AIR - 47th , CSE-2022

ForumIAS Mains Test Series greatly helped me in practicing answer writing. The feedback was prompt and helped me improve the quality of my answers. I thank them for their contribution to my preparation.

Vaishnavi Paul AIR - 62 , CSE-2022

Dear ForumIAS Team, thank you for guiding me through my Mains preparation in my 3rd attempt. Particularly it helped me to excel in my Essay score (136 Marks CSE 2021) (MGP Test Series Program).

Secondly, a huge token of gratitude to Ayush Sir, for guiding me through my Interview in my 2022 attempt. This input guided me to improvise on my scores and gain 20 more marks in 2022 interview. Hope that others continue to get guided in the same manner. All The Best.

Utkarsh Ujjwal AIR - 68 , CSE-2022

I Utkarsh Ujjwal have secured AIR 68 in UPSC CSE 2022. I would like to thank ForumIAS and Ayush Sir (Neyawn) in particular for their support and guidance throughout. Thank you Team ForumIAS


Dear ForumIAS Community/Family I Manasvi Sharma, have secured AIR-101 in CSE 2022. I have been a student of GS Foundation Batch- 2019 at ForumIAS and an MGp+ student for 2022. The quality of content, the dedication of teachers and the mentorship of Ayush sir has helped me achieve the success. I wish this success to all the ForumIAS Community friends.

Anugu Shiva Maruthi Reddy AIR - 132 , CSE-2022

Hello ForumIAS, I am Anugu Shiva Maruthi Reddy. I have secured AIR 132 in UPSC CSE 2022. I would like to thank ForumIAS for all the invaluable guidance I have received. I was associated with ForumIAS through SFG in 2021 and 2022, Current Affairs classes were a game changer for me. MGP in 2021 and 2022 have all helped me achieve this rank. ForumIAS was one place I could call home for the past three years. Thank you so much.

Apurva Sinha AIR - 163 , CSE-2022

Hello ForumIAS, I am Apurva Sinha. I have secured AIR 163 in UPSC CSE 2022 in my second attempt. I have had a wonderful and motivating association with ForumIAS since 2021 by my being part of SFG Group, MGP Test Series and also watching motivational videos of dear Ayush sir aka Neyawn. Loved the structured approach and guidance. The passion and effort the team puts behind the scenes for every course is commendable. Thank You.

Natasha Goyal - 175 , CSE-2022

I come from Ludhiana district of Punjab. I did my schooling from Sacred Heart Convent School, Ludhiana. Graduation from Khalsa college and further academic education from JNU. This was my 5th attempt at the civil services exam. First 4 attempts, I couldn’t clear Prelims. After failing 4 attempts, I came to ForumIAS, meeting Ayush sir, who suggested writing SFG tests. Writing both phase 1 and Phase 2, finally helped me to clear Prelims in my 5th attempt. MGP tests proved to be an ultimate solution for Mains. Current Affairs classes, immense encouragement, and support by Aman sir were the only reason for clearing mains in the first attempt and getting All India Rank 175. This belongs to my teachers, solely to them. Today and always.

Mohit Gupta AIR - 195 , CSE-2022

I have been associated with ForumIAS since 2019. The great input to mentors in MGP Program helped me in improving my scores in GS Paper. The role of Ayush sir through his motivational videos and article helped me in continuing my 6 years log journey.

Sonu Kumari AIR - 208 , CSE-2022

This is Sonu Kumari, AIR 208, UPSC 2022. I was a student of GS Foundation Program at ForumIAS. The programme is one of a kind. It helps one grasp the vastness of the syllabus of UPSC and helps one limit it to the very essential parts only. The Benchmark Tests that are held every week help me enumerate their program at all stages across the journey. The Faculty was good and helped me to understand the concepts effectively. Thankful for it.

Shivam Kumar AIR - 216 , CSE-2022

Dear ForumIAS, I have secured AIR 216. I was enrolled in MGP+ and IGP courses. Both of the courses helped me in improving me score. MGP+ helped in identifying the flow of answers and better structuring of answers. I thank Ayush sir and ForumIAS Team for guiding me through the journey of Mains and Interview.

Aakriti Sethi AIR - 249 , CSE-2022

Hello ForumIAS Team, I, Akriti Sethi, was a student of MGP+ Test Series in 2022. The test series was well organized, the test papers evaluation was satisfactory, which helped me to secure AIR 249, while I could not clear Prelims in my first 5 attempts. As this was my 6th and last attempt, I thank you team for supporting me.

Shruti Sharma AIR - 1st, CSE-2021

I enrolled myself in the Forum Mains Guidance Program+ for GS and Essay Test series. The answer writing practice and written feedback from Forum along with "Best answers" and topper’s copies provided helped me improve my answers and get a high score in my General Studies papers. Ayush sir’s regular articles were also fun and encouraging reads. I thank the ForumIAS team for their guidance during my two-year association with them.

Utkarsh Dwivedi AIR - 5, CSE-2021

ForumIAS has been an integral part of my UPSC Journey right from my very first attempt. The prelims and Mains test series have helped me a lot and I have referred to them in all my three attempts. One on one Session with Ayush sir for interview was beneficial too. Always enjoy reading his articles on the forumIAS blog.
Best Wishes

Mehak Jain AIR - 17, CSE-2021

I was a part of ForumIAS MGP 2021. Wide range of questions, timely, evaluation of answer copies and concise model answers along with precise feedback has helped me in my answer writing. I am grateful to the entire Forum IAS team for their help and support in my journey.

Arpit Chauhan AIR - 20, CSE-2021

I was a participant in FormIAS (Mock test series) for CSE Mains -2020. It was an enriching experience in my journey that culminated in GS Score of 451 (in GS 1-4). The checking of copies provided good quality feedback and is something that I would suggest.

Ashish AIR - 23, CSE-2021

Hello, I am Ashish. I've been ranked 23 in the final merit list of UPSC CSE 2021. I was an online student of ForumIAS Current Affairs Classes and also participated in the SFG program for Prelims. I am highly grateful to ForumIAS and especially Dipus Damodaran Sir for guiding me towards a good rank. Forum IAS has formed the bedrock of my Mains preparation and also helped during Prelims and personality Test.
Thank you.

Mourya Bharadwaj AIR - 28, CSE-2021

I am a Participant of FORUMIAS initiative AWEG for Mains answer writing which helped me Practice answer writing in disciplined way. I am an active member of ForumIAS Community, and the platforms helped interact with likeminded Individuals and tune my preparation
All the Best for future aspirants

Bhavishya AIR - 29, CSE-2021

FORUM IAS was crucial in my preparation, especially a) the KEYWORDS PDF of syllabus restricted what I have to study b) the Test Series (MGP) helped me finish in time. c) and AYUSH Six through his WISDOM posts provided psychological support.
Therefore, I'm thankful to FORUMIAS and the community!

Naman Goyal AIR - 30, CSE-2021

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Forum IAS team which has supported me throughout my preparation journey. I was a part of the MGP 2021 batch and the quality of test series and evaluation was very good. I would also thank the team for providing unwavering support during the interview preparation a part of the IGP program. as
All the best to the future aspirants.

Jaspinder Singh AIR - 33, CSE-2021

I am thankful to Forum IAS for their Support and mentorship that I got in MGP Course. This evaluation and remarks helped one improve. Special thanks to Rohini ma'am who helped me groom my essay (from 99 to 126) MGP course was a great learning jurney!

Anjali Shrotiga AIR - 44, CSE-2021

Dear ForumIAS.
I take this opportunity to thank the entire FORUMIAS team for playing crucial part in my selection. I was a student of FORUM MGP, Current affairs classes and INTERVIEW Guidance program. For my prelims I was also a part of daily SFG that helped me a lot. I am highly thankful to Ayush bir for being a constant Support

Arpit Gupta AIR - 54, CSE-2021

I am really thankful to ForumIAS for their MGP & IGP. They helped me in writing good answers & great evaluation was there which helped in improving my performance
Thanks again!

Shraddha Gome AIR - 60, CSE-2021

Dear Team,
Thank you very much for your guidance during the personality test preparation in test Civil services Examination 2021. I attended one-to-one session on DAF Analysis the forum IAS faculty and it was with really encouraging. Thank Once you again.

Narayan Amit AIR - 70, CSE-2021

Dear Forumias
I thank Forumias for providing 2 specific 2 inputs for my preparation the First being the MGP programme which helped me in my 2nd attempt (68:377 -> 401). The 2nd was interview Guidance especially one – on – one with Ayush sir which was helpful for me.
Thanks a lot

Pragya Jat AIR - 91, CSE-2021

I am Pragya Jat and have secured Rank 91 in CSE 2021. I was part of Forum IAS's MGP+ Test Series, Sociology Test Series, Current Affairs Classes and IGP Programmes. The model answers current affairs notes, test feedback helped me add value to my answers. I am especially thankful for Ayush sir's motivating emails.
All the best!

Vishal Jangid AIR - 173, CSE-2021

ForumIAS has helped me to improve my hs scores tremendously. I Joined it is 2020 to improve GS content. It has helped me to score 399 last year and 429 this year in aggregate their value addition materials in the form of model answers are top notch. I am thankful to forumIAS team.

Preeti Kumari AIR - 242, CSE-2021

I am Preeti Kumari, AIR 242, at CSE 2021. I was a CGP, MGP, Current Affairs and interview Guidance Programme Student at FORUM IAS. I would like to thank Ayush Sir for his guidance and unflinching faith in me and the Current Affairs classes which formed the foundation of my mains scores. Grateful to the faulty and non - teaching staff for their support.

Yash Jaluka AIR - 4, CSE-2020

ForumIAS was very helpful during my interview preparation Ayush Sir’s good feedback is particular was very insightful. He also motivated me whenever I felt pressure before my interview. Thank you and cheers to the team.
Best Wishes

Mamta Yadav AIR - 5, CSE-2020

I was a part of ForumIAS MGP (Mains Guidance program) and Essay Test Series. The detailed evaluation with remarks helped me immensely in improving my performance over the previous attempt. MGP comprises of sectional test for each portion of GS papers. This insured that I didn’t leave any part of the syllabus. I am grateful to the entire ForumIAS team for their help and timely evaluation and uploading of answer sheets.

Apala Mishra AIR - 9, CSE-2020

ForumIAS has been my friend philosopher and guide during my tedious UPSC journey. I joined the Mains Guidance Program (MGP) and Current Affairs (Online) classes. The presence of mentors like Ayush sir acts as a bonus. I am truly for the entire ForumIAS team for being the building block of my preparation.
Thank you

Karishma Nair AIR - 14, CSE-2020

I had enrolled in Mains Guidance Program (MGP) 2020 for GS and Essay. The expansive coverage for questions, prompt correction of papers, topper answer copies, and valuable feedback on answers received from ForumIAS has helped me in my answer writing. I am grateful to ForumIAS for the same. Very grateful for the long motivating emails by Neywan sir as well.

Radhika Gupta AIR - 18, CSE-2020

I have joined ForumIAS test series for Mains 2020. It has been very helpful in my Mains preparation. The quality of questions and model answers is amazing. Timely and quality evolution is added advantage to it. I thanks to entire ForumIAS team for all the help and support in my UPSC journey. Thank you

Prakhar Kumar Singh AIR 29, UPSC CSE 2020 | AIR 19, UPPCS 2020

ForumIAS has played an instrumental role in my civil services preparation. I was a student of answer writing focus group(AWFG) as well as simulator prelims test series. The current affairs handouts helped me to enrich my main answers. I take this opportunity to thank the entire team of ForumIAS and especially Ayush Sir(Neyawn) Whose videos helped me in strategizing both prelims and mains preparation.

Vaibhav Rawat AIR - 25, CSE-2020

I am Vaibhav Rawat, I have got AIR 25 in this year's civil service examination. I took current affairs classes for my 2019 attempt. The content given and the sheer hard work put in is unparalleled. I have immensely benefited through this course. Moreover, The program discussion thread was a good source for all kinds of chit-chat with fellow knowledgeable aspirants. I felt grateful for all the support provided to me by team ForumIAS. Neywan(Ayush Sir) thank you to this wonderful community.

Divya Mishra AIR - 28, CSE-2020

I am a student of ForumIAS and it has played an important role in the qualitative enrichment of my preparation. I have found a dedicated faculty staff and excellent mentorship. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your role in my journey of UPSC preparation. Special thanks to Ayush sir for his candid, sincere, and continuous guidance.

Jagat Sai AIR - 32, CSE-2020

I have been a community member as well as a student of CGP ForumIAS academy. My association with ForumIAS started in 2016 with prelims test series and MGP. SFG in ForumIAS is very unique. The USP of ForumIAS is its high-quality aspirants. On a concluding note, I would like to thank wholeheartedly all the mentors and staff of ForumIAS.

Jayant Singh Rathore AIR - 59, CSE-2020

To ForumIAS, I want to thank ForumIAS for providing all the support & guidance. During CSE preparation MGP+ test series helped me in improving my answers. Completing paper on time and also enriching my content. Also, one or more sessions with Ayush sir helped me immensely during my actual CSE interview. Once again I thank everyone at ForumIAS and recommend MGP test series for answer writing for UPSC CSE preparation.

Saloni Verma AIR - 70, CSE-2020

Hello, I am Saloni Verma, AIR 70 UPSC CSE 2020. I was a student of ForumIAS MGP program. The evaluation, mentorship sessions, and overall professionalism especially during the Covid-19 period were very helpful. I am grateful to the team ForumIAS mentors, teachers, and staff for their massive contribution to my success.

Aditya AIR - 92, CSE-2020

Hello ForumIAS, this is a very emotional and big moment for me. After giving 5 attempts I got success in the CSE examination. Though it’s a long journey full of ups and downs, I was able to sail through it due to much-needed support and guidance throughout this journey. And I am very grateful and thankful to ForumIAS especially to Ayush sir for helping and guiding me throughout this journey.

Sanjita Mohaptra AIR - 10, CSE-2019

I joined Forum IAS current Affairs class for my mains preparation for CSE 2019. The crisp and concise content and Structuring help me a lot might before the exam.
Best wishes!

Neha Bhosle AIR - 15, CSE - 2019

Hello Forum!
I wrote 8 FLTs of Forum MGP 2019 (Two tests of each GS paper). The questions, evaluation and the marking pattern were very good. I found the model answers very useful, and apart from the FLTs, I also referred to the model answer of the sectional tests on some selective areas like Geography, History and Ethics.

Pratyush Pandey AIR - 21, CSE - 2019

I had enrolled for MGP + test series (Main + Essay) and I Sincerely recommended it to all aspirant. The professionalism, speed and quality of the feedback I received helped me immensely and improved and quality of the answer.

Shubham Aggarwal AIR - 25, CSE - 2019

This was my first attempt. I enrolled in ForumIAS MGP Program for Mains Answer Writing Practice. The questions were of top quality and the feedback/Mentorship, I received helped me a lot in improving my answer writing skills.

Shafqat Amna AIR - 186, CSE - 2019

Thank you FORUM IAS and Asif Sir in particular who gave direction to my answer writing practice. Thank You so much sir for you invaluable mentorship. MGP has been instrumental in helping me clear this exam.

Harshita Tiwari AIR - 20, UPPSC - 2019

I have joined CGP2020 In 2019 itself. The whole idea of programme, its classes, weekly benchmark tests with MGP and current affairs classes really helped in clearing the exam. The questions from UPPSC mains test series directly came in paper. So, I would like to thank forum IAS Academy for this success.

Swati Sharma AIR - 278, CSE - 2019

I want to thank the entire team for their support, educationally & otherwise. I was a CBP student and the quality of study resources that FORUM IAS provided helped me clear the mains, potent & precise. The tests under prelims & MGP series just what any aspirant needs to get ready before the final exam.
I am glad. I joined you, Thankyou

Varun Karnati Reddy AIR - 7, CSE - 2018

I am grateful to the Forum current affairs program which has benefited me immensely in general studies paper 2 and paper 3 and also in Essay. A ForumIAS student,
You’re next. We are with you

Varnit Negi AIR - 13, CSE - 2018

Any success is supported by multiple pillars. FORUM IAS was one such pillar in my success story. Thank you Ayush Sir for your time, support and timely blog posts which helped me to keep myself motivated. Asif sir's guidance for improving my answers and the expert analysis of current affairs were extremely helpful. I would like to thank the entire Forum IAS fraternity for believing in me.

Ankita Choudhary AIR - 14, CSE-2018

I joined forum IAS Academy after my prelims for mains Test series programme. I am very grateful to Asif sir for his mentorship during my mains and then for Interview as I was also part of ForumIAS Interview guidance Programme. I can recall one of Panel member at Forum telling me. I would be in Top 20s. I am very grateful for everyone's support and confidence in me and for all the help at ForumIAS.
Thankyou Everyone

Saloni Khemka Air - 27, CSE - 2018

CSE mains 2018 proved to be a game changer for me. I tried to correct my strategy from previous years. The current Affairs at FORUM IAS really helped me with it especially organization and presentation of notes which was mirrored in my own answers in the exam. Please continue with the amazing work. Thank You

Kajal Jawla AIR - 28, CSE - 2018

I am Kajal jawla. I secured AIR 28 in CSE 2018. I had enrolled in the Mains Guidance programme & the interview Guidance programme at Forum IAS. I would like to extend my heartiest thanks to Asif Sir for believing in me, mentoring me and guiding me during one of the most difficult phases of the exam. I hadn’t written a long answer in 8 Years and writing the test series at Fourm IAS helped me gain both speed and confidence. Thanks again, Asif Sir! Thankyou team Forum IAS.

Minal Karanwal AIR - 35, CSE-2018

This Journey of 3 years has been arduous & yet it has culminated so beautifully and ForumIAS has an extremely important part to play in it. Constant support by Ayush sir and the entire management of ForumIAS has been crucial in scripting this victory!

Lakshay Singhal AIR - 38, CSE - 2018

I am Lakshay Singhal and I secured AIR 38 in UPSC Civil services 2018. I was a student of Essay programme of Forum IAS Academy. I used to follow the discussion forum of Forum IAS to keep myself updated. At last, I would like to thank Ayush Sir for his valuable inputs time to time.

Renjina Mary Varghese Air - 49, CSE - 2018

I am Renjinia Mary Varghese I have secured 49th rank in Civil Services Exam, 2018. I could like to thank Forum IAS, especially Asif Sir of Forum for the Interview guidance. Various Initiatives of Forum IAS like 9 P.M. Brief and Mains Marathon have played an integral Part in my preparations. A big thanks and best wishes to the Forum IAS Team.

Sumit kumar Rai AIR - 54, CSE - 2018

My association with Forum IAS goes back to 2015. Forum has played a key role in my entire preparation. When I was struggling with answer writing, Ayush Sir “definitional approach” video on answer writing helped me a lot. I have been part of Forum IAS’s Mains Guidance program (MGP) for the last 3 Years. In the initial years, Asif sir’s structured feedback was key to continuous improvement in my answer writing style. For CSE. 2018, I also joined Forum’s essay program and current Affairs classes. I found them highly useful. Through this write up I Pay respect to ForumIAS as a community and my gratitude to Ayush sir, Asif Sir and entire Academy members.

Anand Kumar Sharma AIR - 62, CSE - 2018

I joined ForumIAS for AWFG and MGP. It was very helpful and helped me in gaining confidence. The evaluation of tests was detailed with valuable inputs. Asif very helpful and guide to respond to our problems and doubts
Thank you

Vibhor Aggarwal AIR - 71, CSE - 2018

Forum IAS has been significant part of my UPSC journey. Discuss platform and Negawn articles have immensely benefitted me throughout. For 2018 I was a student of MGP+ and IGP program and benefitted from prelims test series too through my friend. I would like to specially thanks Asif Sir for his invaluable guidance in GS answer writing which helped me improve quality of my answers and Ayush Sir for his very informative essay classes
I thank the entire forumias team for their indefatigable support.

Mallarapu Naveen AIR - 75, CSE - 2018

I am Naveen, AIR-75 in case 2018. I had enrolled in MGP and Current Affair classes in ForumIAS. I am grateful to the faculties for setting my priorities right in GS-2 and GS-3 which saved precious time during preparation. Answer writing practice in class added value to my writing technique. Thanks to team MGP for your appreciation. You made me Believe in Myself!! A big thank you to the family of Forum IAS for being part of my happiness.

Jay Shivani AIR - 81, CSE - 2018

I am jay shivani. I have secured rank – 81 in CSE-2018. I was an MGP Student in Forum IAS. The test series has really helped me. Improve in answer writing, especially presentation and structuring. Forum IAS also helped me in interview preparation. This whole journey has been really great and it has taught me a lot I am really thankful that Asif Sir, I am really thankful that Asif Sir, Ayush Sir, Babu sir and the whole Forum IAS was a part of this journey.

Dr. Aparajita singh Sinsinwar Rank – 82, UPSC - 2018

I am Dr. Aparajita Singh sinsinwar. I secured rank 82 in CSE 2018. I would like to thank my respected teachers Asif sir and Ayush sir for helping me in the process at crucial stages of my mains and Interview. The MGP, Essay program and Interview guidance really Helped.
Thank you so much.

Dhruv Mittal, Rank - 99, CSE - 2018

Hi ForumIAS, I am Dhruv Mittal, Rank 99 CSE-2018, fortunate enough to write this testimony. ForumIAS has been a consistent partner throughout my journey and for that I will be thankful to them . Thank you

Ashish Cherian Samuel Rank 121, CSE - 2018

I got Rank 121 in Civil service Exam 2018 and a huge thank of the the credit goes to the forumIAS team. I was a student of MGP & IGP program. MGP was true to its name as it provided me with responsive and responsible mentor Asif sir and Ayush Sir. It helped me to Test my mettle against the best of the candidates. The one on one sessions with Asif sir helped me to see the flows in my answer and they new appreaches to beat the clock. The IGP gane me an exposure to different kinds of possible interview questions which boosted my confidence.
Heartfelt thanks to the ForumIAS team and My best wishes

Digvijay Sanjay Patil AIR - 134, CSE - 2018

I am digvijay Patil, AIR 134 - CSE 2018. I had enrolled in ForumIAS MGP GS test series. Distinguishing feature of this test series is personal connect with the mentors, in my case Asif Sir; and quality feedback to improve our answer quality Because of valuable inputs. I changed my answer writing strategy substantially from last attempt in which I got AIR 482
I am grateful to my mentor and entire ForumIAS team.

Gauhar Hasan Rank - 137, CSE - 2018

I have joined Forum IAS. MGP programme 2018 for GS subjects: It comprised 14 GS test and 8 essay test. I have immensely helped by the review of Asif sir, Shamna Madam, Ayush sir and others test. Their review helfed to improve visibility of my answers. I have attended few discussion classes online which was also helpful. I express my sincere gratitude to forumIAS and team.

Abhinav Shah Rank - 222, CSE – 2018

I am Abhinav Shah. I have secured All India rank 222 in the civil services Examination 2018. I Joined forum IAS in 2017 and since then forum has helped me immensely through my IAS Journey. There was constant support of Ayush Sir in motivating me throughout the journey. ASIF Sir's mentorship has immensely helped me improve my answers. Thank you!

Niraj Kadiyan AIR - 227, CSE - 2018

I am highly thankful to ForumIAS and Asif Sir for providing Invaluable inputs in Answer writing for General studies and Essay. The test series helped me to improve my presentation skill as will as practice questions from current Affairs. I also took one mock interview with ForumIAS and found it very useful I once again want to give my sincere thanks to ForumIAS Team.

Shailja Pandey Air - 266, CSE - 2018

I am thankful to the FORUM IAS team for the mentorship provided to clear civil service exam. The classes were rich in content. The excellent study material helped to rich my notes for the exam. The valuable feedback provided on my Mock test helped me to varnish my writing skills. I am grateful to the ever approachable FORUM IAS team for continuous guidance from improving essay skills to filling daf, wishing the entire FORUM IAS team and students the very best for their future.

Utkarsha AIR - 306, CSE - 2018

My name is Utkarsha. I got AIR-306 in Civil services exam 2018 and AIR-14 in Indian Forest Services Exam, 2018. I was part of MGP Batch-D Programme. The programme was specifically designed for candidates writing mains for the first time which helped me a lot. It helped me in improving answer quality, stracture, finishing syllabus on time and a quality question bank. I, therefore, like to thank Ayush Sir and Team ForumIAS for my success in civil services exam and IFOS exam.

Harvinder Singh AIR - 335, CSE - 2018

I am Harinder Singh, A1R-335. I got associated with ForumIAS after I couldn't clear my mains last year. The Answer writing Focus Group (AWFG) along with MGP+ gave me confidence that I could also it. Constant support and guidance of Asif Sir for Mains Answer writing really helped me. I got enrolled for IGP also. Here, the personal session with Ayush sir helped analyse and perform better in interview.
I am really thankful to the entire team Forum IAS especially Pravin Sir who acted as a friend to me.

KVL Akshay AIR - 363, CSE - 2018

I thank you, FORUM IAS, for helping me clear this exam. Thank you for all the tips and tricks, which made an impression on how I view this exam. Being enrolled in the CGP (foundation) Batch ensured that my preparation was continuously mentored and supported through expert guidance, throughout the duration of the year. The content was of great value-addition to my preparation and inputs from mentors such as Asif Sir and Ayush Sir have ensured I avoided mistakes and stayed on track, despite being a working professional. I thank you, FORUM IAS, for helping me clear this exam. Thank you for all the tips and tricks, which made an impression on how I view this exam.

Krishan Kumar Poonia AIR - 632, CSE - 2018

I had joined Forum IAS Mains Guidance programme (MGP) which helped me to improve my answer writing mentorship and feedback provided by Asif Sir enabled me to meet The demand of mention without compromising quality and time.
I am thankful to Asif Sir and Forum IAS team for their guidance

Durishetty Anudeep AIR-1, CSE - 2017

I had enrolled Main Guidance programme+ of FraumIAS academy for my G5 and Essay test series. The feedback from ForumIAS mentors – Ayush sir and Asif sir – was very useful in making me realize mistakes in answer writing so that I rectify them. I also found Ayush sir post exam discussion incredibly helpful. Because of such feedback, I could greatly improve my writing speed, presentation and answer content.
I am grateful to Ayush sir, Asif sir and the entire ForumIAS Academy

PRatham Kaushik AIR - 5, CSE - 2017

I am Pratham Kaushik, AIR – 5 in CSE . 2107. Forum IAS has been a companion in my success as the current Affairs classes helped me in covering the vast current affairs in a short span of time. The precise and succinct coverage of current affairs right before mains exam made preparation inclusive. I thank Forum IAS for playing a huge role in my success and extensive guidance.

Anubhav Singh AIR - 8, CSE - 2017

I am Anubhav Singh. I have secured AIR 8 CSE -2017. I had taken ForumIAS’s Maine Guidance Programme (MGP) and also the Interview Guidance Programme. They both were very helpful and helped me in improving my performance. The guidance provided by Asif sir and Ayush sir was fo immense importance. I thank them for their effort.

Abhishek Surana RANK - 10, CSE - 2017

I joined ForumIAS MGP program after prelims in 2017. And the next 4 months in the program helped me a lot in improving my answer writing techniques. A big credit to the mentor’s as they were easily accessible. Also the timely checking of copies immensely helped in consistent improvement in quality of answer. The current affairs classes helped enriching my content with quotations and keywords Kusios to the entire team!

Siddharth Jain AIR - 11, CSE - 2017

I enrolled in Mains Guidance programme of FORUM IAS Academy. The best part was one to one discussions with Asif Sir. He helped me immensely to improvise presentation of my answers and kept touch till conclusion of examination.
I extend my gratitude to team FORUM IAS Academy.

Arushi Mishra AIR - 2 & Indian Forest Services

I am Arusha Mishra. I had enrolled myself on the Mains Guided Program of ForumIAS. I would take this opportunity to thank ForumIAS for quality guidance and timely answer script evaluation. Auf sir personal mentorship played a constructive role in objective presentation of the answer, that indeed was reflected in my scientific optionals of Forestry and Geology as well. Thank you ForumIAS for the directed guidance.

Strategy Article UPSC | IAS Preparation strategy by CSE Toppers

  • 1. Prelims Strategy
    a) Toppers Strategy articles to clear prelims [Click here]
  • 2. Mains Strategy
    a) Toppers Strategy articles on Essay [Click Here]
    b) Toppers Strategy on GS Preparations [Click Here]
    c) Toppers Strategy on Optionals Paper [Click Here]
  • 3. Toppers’ Interviews
    a) Toppers Strategy article on Interview Preparations [Click Here]
  • 4. Motivational Articles by Toppers
    a) [Strategy] The Post Mains Agenda – Preparation for Interview & Ahead [Click Here]
    b) [Strategy] The Last Miles to Mains – Making the most of your time [Click Here]
    c) [Strategy and Motivation] How I scored 479 in GS Mains and 299 in Public Administration? UPSC IAS Topper Rank 9 Detailed GS and Public Administration Strategy : UPSC IAS Topper Suman Sourav Mohanty, Odia guy, Rank – 9, CSE – 2016 [Click Here]
    d) [Strategy] Motivation and Strategy: IAS Rank 81 Rajarshi Shah, Jaipur boy, Why he chose IAS? [Click Here]
    e) [Strategy] 5 Rules to keep in Mind for Answer Writing for Mains [Click Here]
    f) Inspirational Journey of ForumIAS User Namami Bansal, Rank 17: Motivation and Strategy for UPSC Prelims & Mains [Click Here]
  • More Articles by Topper's
    1. CSE/IFoS by Abhishesk Surana Rank 10 CSE 2017 [Click Here]
    2. How to Score 140+ in Prelims? UPSC IAS Topper Saurabh Dixit (AIR 162 / CSE 2016) First Attempt, No Coaching-[Part 2] [Click Here]
    3. Abhishek Chourasiya (Rank-72/CSE-16): ForumIAS Test Series Student, 445 Marks in General Studies, Prelims & Mains Strategy and Booklist [Click Here]
    4. Essay Paper and Resources] Abhishesk Surana Rank 10 CSE 2017 [Click Here]
    5. [Strategy- How to Ace the Essay Paper in UPSC Mains? UPSC IAS RANK 292 Arushi shares how she managed 141 [Click Here]
    6. Abhishek Surana Rank 10 GS Strategy and Copies [Click Here]
    7. GS 3 (119 marks) detailed Strategy by Sumit Rai, ForumIAS Student, IAS Rank 54 [Click Here]
    8. IAS Rank 63: GS Paper 2 Answer Writing + Source Strategy by Tanai Sultania [Click Here]
    9. UPSC IAS Topper Rank 160 Dinesh Gurav, ForumIAS Test Series Student, Detailed Strategy and Booklist for General Studies Prelims and Mains [Click Here]
    10. UPSC IAS Topper, Rank 7, CSE-2016, ForumIAS Follower Anand Vardhan, 470 marks in GS Mains, Prelims & Mains Strategy and Booklist [Click Here]
    11. GENERAL STUDIES STRATEGY: ForumIAS Follower Sipu Giri, Rank 175, Tips on Answer Writing Practice [Click Here]
    12. GS Mains and Prelims Strategy by Rajarshi Raj Varma, AIR 120 (CSE 2016) [Click Here]
    13. General Studies Strategy by IAS Rank 63, TANAI SULTANIA, CSE 2016 [Click Here]
    14. The inspiring story of Suharsha Bhagat – 5th Attempt and 5th Rank [Click Here]
    15. [Strategy] Zoology Optional + Download Notes : Kajal Jawla,Rank 28, CSE 2018 [Click Here]
    16. [Strategy | Pol Science] Vibhor Aggarwal IAS Rank 71 Detailed Political Science Strategy | ForumIAS Offline GS Student [Click Here]
    17. [Strategy] POLITICAL SCIENCE OPTIONAL ( PSIR SCORE-308) [Click Here]
    18. [Strategy] Political Science Optional Strategy: Anand Vardhan, Rank 7, 302 Marks in Political Science, Switched to Political Science Optional in 4th attempt [Click Here]
    19. [Strategy] GEOGRAPHY OPTIONAL | PRATHAM KAUSHIK (AIR 5, CSE 2017) 327 MARKS [Click Here]
    20. [Strategy] How I increased my Geography Optional Marks from 214 to 295 Marks? UPSC IAS Topper Rank-72 Abhishek Chourasiya, Strategy and Booklist for Geography Optional (295 Marks), Tips on Answer Writing [Part 2] [Click Here]
    21. [Strategy] Delhi Boy Gaurav Kapoor, ForumIAS Test Series student, Rank 190, Geography Optional, Third Attempt, General Studies & Geography Optional Strategy and Booklist [Click Here]
    22. [Strategy] Geography Optional Paper-II (Marks 152) Strategy & Answer Writing Tips: UPSC IAS Topper Soumyadip Bhattacharya, AIR-147 [Click Here]
    23. [Strategy] Detailed Geography Optional Strategy (Marks 290) and Notes by Prajit Nair, IAS Rank 87 [Click Here]
    24. [Strategy] IAS Rank 213 : Akhil Mahajan , Jammu Boy, 4rth Attempt, Geography Optional Strategy [Click Here]
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    26. [Strategy Sociology Optional] (289 Marks) and Booklist : UPSC IAS Topper Saurabh Dixit (AIR 162 / CSE 2016) First Attempt without coaching, Unconventional Approach [Part 4] [Click Here]
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    28. [Strategy] RANK 60: Atul Vats, 1st Attempt, Sociology Optional, Detailed GS and Optional Strategy [Click Here]
    29. [Strategy] Psychology Optional Strategy: ForumIAS User Sipu Giri, Rank 175, Psychology Marks 273, Download Notes [Click Here]
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    44. IFoS Interview Preparation by Abhishek Surana, IFoS Rank 2 [Click Here]
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